Giving Thanks
In this past year, much has changed and today is a perfect day to reflect. Unfortunately, I must admit regret first. This month flew by and I did not make time to donate a turkey dinner to a food bank. I can only hope that some local companies stepped in to fill any voids at this time of year.
Now, for the gifts I have been given and am thankful for: yesterday was my 'engagement anniversary' - 7 years ago, my boyfriend, now husband, proposed to me. Betty was a concept - we did the math: born in February, mom was inseminated in December, breeders made agreement in November. Sad what you think of when you've been drinking wine. Yesterday was also Cena & Williams 4th anniversary. I'm thankful for some amazing friends that, regardless of how long it has been since I've seen them, we pick up where we've left off. They are open minded, loving people. I have my health, although I've gone through some things and have an upcoming surgery, things are excellent. My families health, physically and mentally. A strong sense of community, a new neighborhood, a good job, etc. My life has a solid foundation.
Now, the broader matters that I am thankful for, well, there are a lot of soldiers that are risking their lives for this bullshit war. They deserve a big thanks. They are doing what the country has asked them to do and they are doing it. They are away from their families and friends and I could not imagine how lonely that must feel - for both the soldiers and the families. These are times that they will never forget. This is their Vietnam. There are soldiers from other countries that have promised to support us, and they are risking their lives. That is huge.
There is a nun in Philly that has devoted her life to eliminating homelessness in the city. She has devoted her entire life to providing rooms, respect and education to those that have none of those things. There are groups of people that drive the streets at night, looking for homeless people and gives them a meal and a bed. The city's homelessness has dropped by more than half. I am thankful that there are a lot of people in this world that live with open hearts.
Thanks for reading my journal! I hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. If you haven't all ready, take the time to reflect on things other than turkey and football and let me know what YOU are thankful for!