Spring cleanse
During last weekends record rainfall I was making the bed. When I went to lean over the bed: drip. drip. drip. Right on my back. Ugh. I look up and the leak was a small stream running down the dormer line and dripping onto the bed. Paul and I agreed that unfortunately, we couldn't wait for the next planned 3 months to save for a new roof. We needed a new roof and now. So, I called and it was a 2 month wait or a Friday opening (small house, quick job). They thought it would take one day but the 6 guys finished up at 8:30 last night and worked from 7-12:00 today. It looks great - The Red Roof is GONE! Wee hoo! Now, what color should we paint the trim??? The green is the next thing to go. Let me know if you have any thoughts.
Anyhow, I had an appointment today with a holistic nutritionist and it was great. I'm basically going to do a Raw diet for 2 weeks along with steamed chicken, fish, shrimp and the like. The goal is to eat food in its purest form and as organic as possible. Dairy and wheat is restricted as is red meat and obviously foods that I am allergic to. In addition I'm taking chlorella and CoQ10 and flax seed oil. Interesting...the goal is to refresh the liver and toxins that I've subjected my body to over the past, oh, I don't know - Lifetime. It's the perfect time for a spring cleanse so here I go!
On the menu tonight: fresh guacamole with cucumber chips and radishes to scoop and sea salt. Paul's even into it. He's asking for me to make gazpacho but actually... he tends to turn it into a Spanish bloody mary. ;)
In good health my friends!